REGARDLESS of the category entered, any piece may only be entered once in competition. All entries must be the sole work of the person entering the item. Carvings from Roughouts may ONLY be entered in Categories #47 and #48 and All Novice Categories. Group and scene carvings must be securely attached to a base (excluding Treenware). All carvings must be wood (no resin, bronze, reproductions or appliques). Any finish may be used in all categories. Roughout (#47), instructor assisted (#48) and Older than 5 Years (#50) carvings do not qualify for Best of Show awards. Carvers wishing to compete may enter in only ONE Division – either Novice or Open. Carvers will NOT be allowed to compete in both divisions.

A “Novice Carver” is defined as a person who has NEVER won a blue ribbon in a NAWC Show. If participating in this Novice Division, you will NOT be allowed to enter carvings in the Open Division.
1. Novice Instructor Assisted – Any subject carved while under instruction in a class or seminar. List instructor's name and date of class on entry ticket.
2. Novice "In The Round" – Any subject, any finish, single or group.
3. Novice Relief – Any subject, any finish.
4. Novice Pyrography – Wood burning on a flat surface, no carving - any subject, any finish.
5. Novice Caricature – Any subject, any finish, single or group.
6. Novice Miscellaneous – Any subject not specified in categories #1 through #5.

7. Realistic Human Figure – Accurate, full figure, carved “in the round” - single.
8. Realistic Human Bust – Accurate carving displaying head, shoulders and upper chest “in the round” - single.
9. Realistic Animal – Accurate representation “in the round” - single.
10. Realistic Animal Bust – Accurate carving displaying head, shoulders and upper chest “in the round” - single or group.
11. Realistic Group – 2 or more figures “in the round” displayed on a fixed based - animal, human or mix.
12. Realistic Fish / Marine / Aquatic Life – Accurate representation “in the round” - single or group.
13. Song Bird – A “singing” bird (Example: cardinal, robin)–
single or group.
14. Bird of Prey – Any carnivorous bird that seizes and flies off with its prey. With or without prey – single or group. Example: owl, hawk, raptor.
15. Shorebird – A shorebird is a bird that frequents seashores/shorelines (Example: sandpiper, avocet) – single or group.
16. Game Bird – A game bird is a bird hunted for sport (Example: pheasant, quail) – single or group.
17. Ducks / WaterfowlSingle or group.
18. Caricature Human – Human figure with exaggerated features “in the round” - single.
19. Caricature Human or Animal in a Scene – Single full figure with exaggerated features “in the round” displayed on a fixed base. To qualify as a scene, a component of the scene (excluding the base) must be independent from the single full figure. Example: A carpenter holding a hammer is considered a single figure. If the hammer is elsewhere on the base away from the figure, it’s considered a scene. Carvings with more than one living creature (excluding plants) must be entered in category #22 as a “Caricature Group”.
20. Caricature Animal, Bird or Fish – Single full figure with exaggerated features “in the round” - single.
21. Caricature Bust – Carving displaying head, shoulders and upper chest with exaggerated features “in the round” - single.
22. Caricature Group – Two or more figures with exaggerated features “in the round” displayed on a fixed based - any mix of subjects.
23. Pyrography Buildings/Structures - Wood burning on a flat surface, no carving - any scene other than nature.
24. Pyrography - Animals / WIldlife - Wood burning on a flat surface, no carving - any scene other than buildings/structures.
25. Pyrography – Miscellaneous
- Wood burning on a flat surface, no carving - any pyrography subject not covered by #23 & #24.
26. Found Wood – (ie. driftwood, cypress knees, fence posts) - Carved in wood in its “natural state”.
27. Bark Carving
28. ReliefBuildings / Structures - any scene other than nature.
29. ReliefHuman(s).
30. ReliefAnimal(s), Bird(s), Insect(s), Fish.
31. ReliefMiscellaneous - Any subject not listed in categories #28 - #30.
32. Chip Carving / Positive Image/Gouge* – The part left uncarved shows the design.
33. Chip Carving / Negative Image* – The carved part shows the design.
34. Chip Carving / Freeform Image - Non-geometrical and/or natural forms created by incising the design.
35. Jewelry
36. Novelties / Bottle Stoppers / Treenware
37. Spoons 
38. Canes / Staffs 
39. Santa Claus – Just Santa Claus “in the round” or relief.
40. Holiday Items – Includes all holidays. Any holiday subject “in the round” or relief - realistic or caricature - single or group (group must be on a fixed base). Excludes Santa Claus only category #39 above.
41. Mythical & Carousel Figures – Single or group. (Mythical includes: wizards, gnomes, fairies, dragons, witches, warlocks, elves, unicorns).
42. Wood Turning Bowls / Goblets / Vases – Any finish.
43. Wood Turning Pens – Any finish.
44. All other Turnings – Any turning not specified in categories #42 and #43 above - any finish.
45. Stylized – A “stylized” representation of a form/figure “without the details” – any subject, single or group.
46. Miniature – Must fit inside a 2 inch cube – any subject.
47. Rough-outs – Carved from another carver’s roughout – any subject. Instructor assisted roughout carvings are NOT eligible.
48. Instructor Assisted – Any subject carved while under instruction in a class or seminar taught after May 2021. List instructor's name and date of class on entry ticket.
49. Miscellaneous – Any subject not specified in categories #7 through #46 (excludes #50).
50. "Older than 5 Years"
– Any carving older than 5 years old.



Printable version of mailer - includes rules, categories, map, application, etc..